New Audio Experience: Awaken Your Soul and Remember Who You Are
Do you believe you are the creator of your reality?
That you have full creative power of your day?
Or do you believe that life just happens to you?
That you are a victim of circumstance.
That of most your day-to-day is dictated by your external environment?
For the longest time, I felt this way.
In this video, I share with you something I do every morning that really helps me consciously and proactively create the experience I want for the day ahead.
The one thing I’m a firm believer in is that the key to having a great day is to simply decide you are going to have one
And what I mean by this, is to set the intention every morning for how you want to show up for your day ahead and how you want to experience your day as it unfolds.
So you might be thinking I’m referring to things like reciting affirmations or doing some type of meditation or visualization.
Instead, every morning I recite something that I learned from Dr. Joe Dispenza, that really helps me get into the state and the vibration of the person I want to be and how I want to experience life as I tackle my day.
While at the same time by doing this every morning, my brain begins to memorize this state of being I am intending, which in turn then helps wire into my subconscious mind.
Joe Dispenza’s book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself has had one of the biggest impacts on my life and really shifted the way I go about showing up every day.
The basic premise of the book is that our personalities which Dr. Joe defines as being the combination of how we think, feel, and act is all on auto-pilot.
Meaning, what we think, how we feel, and how we act day to day are the same familiar thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that are all “programs” our subconscious mind is running.
Which essentially all creates our state of being… our personalities.
Our thoughts produce familiar emotions and those emotions create more familiar thoughts of the same quality, and we act accordingly in familiar, predictable ways.
It’s a familiar pattern that is wired in us.
And Dr. Joe talks about how you can’t really create anything in life from this state.
You can’t make any type of meaningful, lasting change in what is familiar… And in what is predictable.
It has to be UNFAMILIAR to you. You have to step into the unknown.
Meaning, you have to think, feel, and act differently in UNFAMILIAR ways!
And one of the ways you do that is by proactively and progressively raising your level of consciousness.
In other words, feed your mind “new input” — the input of the person who you want to be.
And by repeatedly declaring who you want to be, you in essence pass to your subconscious mind a new ‘program’ on how to think, feel and act.
It becomes the process of wiring in a new state of being. To experience life at a higher level
So what I do every morning is something I heard Dr. Joe mention in various podcast interviews that he does every morning to wire in the future greater version of himself that he would like to become.
I do this once I get out of bed, fresh out of sleep so my brain is still in a light alpha brain wave state, which essentially is the state of our brain that is the gateway to our subconscious mind.
Being in this state right out of sleep allows you to be relaxed and not 100% conscious yet which is the ideal state you want to do something like this because those first couple of minutes right when you wake up, you have access to influence your subconscious.
So, I keep the lights off — because the lights will just further take me out of alpha state and put me more into a full waking state which I don’t want.
I look into the mirror and repeat this little pep talk of consciousness to myself.
What is the greatest expression of myself that I want to present to the world today?
Who do I want to be when I get out of bed and go about my day?
Let me become conscious of who I don’t want to be.
I want to become so conscious of who I no longer want to be that I wouldn’t go unconscious to that person for the whole entire day.
And if I fall from grace and do go unconscious I am going to remind myself that my state of peace…
And wholeness and presence is much more important than any need to prove myself right.
To seek validation or indulge my ego.
If I go unconscious I am going to give myself permission to get back up and continue…
I am going to pick myself up and quickly return to consciousness (snap my fingers)
I am going to plug myself back into the present moment.
And I will love and honor myself (hand over heart) for that display of awareness and resilience.
Let me become so conscious of WHO I DO WANT TO BE – how I want to think, how I want to feel, and how I want to act. (animated)
I am going to rehearse this until I get to the point in which I feel I am that person.
Then I will tell my brain to memorize this feeling and then I will do my best the entire day to maintain this inner state of wholeness independent of the conditions in my outside world.
I will not allow no person, no place, no thing, no situation. No past memory. No future event or worry disconnect me from my state of wholeness.
I will take on the characteristics, traits, and identities of the loving, kind, intelligent, peaceful, and creative soul that I am…
Without any need for proof and validation from my physical, tangible reality.
And when I do this well, I will get start getting feedback from the Universe.
I will witness synchronicities, serendipities, and coincidences that will cause me to believe even FURTHER IN POSSIBILITY and that I am INDEED THE CREATOR of my life.
Thank you Dr. Joe.
As I said this was inspired by him but I altered it a little bit to fit my own style. So feel free to give it a try and alter it any way you like.
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