New Audio Experience: Awaken Your Soul and Remember Who You Are
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The key to a great life is consistently having great days.
And you experience great days by setting up each day for success every morning so no matter what you are doing or encountering, you are operating from a place of well-being and with crystal clear intention.
I do this by answering these 7 questions every morning to jumpstart my day ahead with joy and purpose.
What’s one thing that happened in the last 24–48 hours that I am grateful for?
What’s one thing about myself, a quality that has shown up in my life recently that I appreciate?
What’s one thing I am super excited about that is coming up in my life?
What’s one quality I want to embody today? Maybe it’s something in my work, a meeting, a project, or an interaction I am going to have with others.
What’s one thing that would make today a perfect day? How do I want this day to unfold? What would make today a success?
What’s one thing I am resisting or avoiding? Or said another way, where is resistance showing up in my life?
What’s the one thing I need to do or complete or want to experience today?
The only caveat to this process is that I allow my answers to flow intuitively and try not to overthink the questions.
Download a free copy of this meditation.
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