Achieving your goal is not about the goal itself; the outcome is not the prize. It’s really about the feelings and emotions we think achieving the goal will give us. But ultimately, it’s about the conscious experience while working through […]
New Audio Experience: Awaken Your Soul and Remember Who You Are
Achieving your goal is not about the goal itself; the outcome is not the prize. It’s really about the feelings and emotions we think achieving the goal will give us. But ultimately, it’s about the conscious experience while working through […]
Use the easy GEECS framework to become a master of your life!
Resonance instead of attraction — that’s the mindset you want to have. Whether we’re talking about achieving goals, manifesting, building habits, or creating any type of lasting change in our lives, it’s about emotionally resonating with what we want to become. […]
I have a friend who works a 9 to 5 in the financial sector and mentioned to me that he is sick of his job and wants to quit. He said what he really wants to do is write books. […]
“A goal should scare you a little, and excite you a lot.” Joe Vitale There are lots of things that can sabotage our goals and dreams. Much of the time, it’s our own thoughts and words that can drastically minimize our level […]
Not all goals are created equal. Meaning not all tasks and actions toward your goal are appropriate every day and doing the wrong task or focusing on the wrong goal stifles progress. Steven Kotler, one of the leading experts in […]
There’s a Japanese proverb that says: “Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.” It underscores the importance of pairing action with vision to manifest anything in life. You can create all the vision boards, do […]
Did you know that there’s an ugly, scary beast that will try to eat you alive when you are working towards your goals? Lately, it’s been giving me a run for my money trying to fight it off. ? And […]
Author and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar once said: “A goal properly set is halfway reached.” On the surface, this might sound a bit simplistic or like quintessential rah-rah self-help speak. But there probably aren’t many truer statements when it comes […]
You might be familiar with these four principles as critical ingredients for goal achievement: Directed thoughts. ? Unrelenting desire. ? The power of belief. ? Persistent action. ? These principles or qualities have been endlessly written and bandied about throughout […]
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