New Audio Experience: Awaken Your Soul and Remember Who You Are
Over the last three years, I’ve gone down a massive rabbit hole.
I consumed practically every piece of content I could get my hands on how to consciously manifest profound personal change in one’s life, as though my life depended on it. Whether it was exploring various meditation techniques, NLP, hypnotherapy, or reading books on quantum theory and old school Law of Attraction.
The recurring theme?
It always comes down to changing who you are.
Going from where you are now to where you want to be is about forging a new identity. It’s about embracing tiny, unfamiliar, and sometimes tedious behaviors that you repeat over and over. To quote Publilius Syrus, (the 1st century BC former slave—turned playwright and philosopher):
“Do not despise the bottom rungs in the ascent to greatness.”
This guide delves into the potent art of identity shifting – a blueprint for redefining yourself to manifest any desire or goal and create lasting personal changes in your life. I distilled everything I learned into a practical seven-step process that anyone can use to upgrade their life and evolve into the person they desire to be.
But before we delve into the process, let’s briefly discuss what identity shifting is and why it’s so crucial. It stands out as the most powerful and transformative technique for manifesting outcomes and achieving goals.
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The concept of identity is one of the great spiritual paradoxes. On one hand, we must learn to detach ourselves from our identity, the contrived sense of self dictated by the ego, but on the other, the concept of identity is at the heart of how we intentionally shape our experience of reality.
Identity shifting is the process of intentionally changing your self-concept, the way you see yourself, and your beliefs about who you are. It involves changing your model of reality, how you see the world, your attitude, and your habits and behaviors — so it aligns with the identity of the person you want to become.
If you desire more confidence, you must shift your identity to that of a confident person by resonating with the thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and behaviors of a confident person. You start doing that by asking yourself questions like:
As a result, you start taking actions that align with this identity. You believe in yourself more, and begin opening yourself up to new opportunities and experiences that further boost and affirm your confidence. This positive cycle propels you to take more aligned action.
Congratulations, you just created a roadmap for achieving your goals. Now, this roadmap makes it easier for you to identify the steps you need to take and the changes you need to make in your life to reach your desired outcomes.
These, in a nutshell, are the fundamental laws of reality at work: When similar energies align, they give rise to corresponding outcomes. We resonate with the energies of what we desire (see Law of Resonance) and begin to open ourselves up to experiences and opportunities that match that energy (see Law of Attraction).
Congratulations, now you just put the wheels of metaphysics in motion. Now, shit is really about to go down!
As mentioned, identity shifting is the ultimate form of conscious creation and manifesting. This is because identity shifting taps into the only principle that really matters when it comes to manifesting:
Your inner world creates your outer world.
Defining your identity is how you consciously create the life you desire, empowering you to vehemently choose who you want to be and how you want to experience life — rather than feeling confined in your current circumstances.
You have to shift your identity to that of someone who has already achieved your goal, especially when you are first trying to manifest something new in your life.
Essentially, you have to “act as-if.” Or, as Dr. Joe Dispenza calls it, you must “bond with your future.” You must think and act like the person who has the thing you want or achieved the outcome you desire.
Do you know what the best way to become a piano player is?
Practice playing the piano. You have to train those fingers to play those scales and chords so it becomes muscle memory. The same goes with shifting your identity; you must practice religiously.
Practice leads to embodiment in all areas of life.
So, to shift your identity, you must practice acting as if by:
For example, if you want to become a confident public speaker who dazzles audiences, start acting as if you are already that person by practicing in front of a mirror. Stand in front of a mirror and deliver your speech or presentation. Pay attention to your body language, facial expressions, and gestures. Practice speaking with clarity and confidence. This will help you build self-awareness and improve your presentation skills.
It might sound overly simplistic, but creating lasting behavior change is hard. It requires doing the simple and mundane over and over again. It’s about incremental gains.
Think of it like this — the person you are right now is the result of every tiny action and behavior you have been practicing for a long time, whether consciously or unconsciously. Meaning, that we are always practicing something in life, and over time we will get good at whatever we are practicing.
The question to ask yourself is: Are you getting good a being the person you want to be or the one you don’t?
Now that you have an understanding of identity shifting and how transformative it can be when embraced as a pathway to manifest personal change, let’s get into the process.
I suggest doing this process slowly and intentionally to give yourself the time and space to reflect on your answers and allow them to become as clear as possible. Grab yourself your journal or a notebook and capture all your answers and insights with as much detail as possible. The deeper you go the more powerful this process will be for you. This process can also be done as a meditation.
When selecting a goal, it’s important to choose something that truly matters to you. Choose something you are passionate about right now but that still aligns with your long-term vision for your life. Additionally, choose a goal that will bring you joy, and excitement, and light you up from the inside out.
At the end of the day, experiencing positive emotions and delightful states of being is what we are really after. Focusing on how you desire to feel by achieving your goal will also significantly improve your motivation and chances of success.
Honest self-assessment is critical. Analyze your current beliefs and behaviors regarding the goal you’ve chosen, identifying any limiting thoughts or habits that might hinder your progress. Awareness is always the first step to transformation.
This can be challenging because our beliefs and behaviors are often deeply ingrained, making them difficult to recognize. However, taking the time to reflect on your current identity is crucial in understanding what needs to change.
For example, if your goal is to start your own business, a limiting belief that may arise is: “I’m not experienced enough to be an entrepreneur.” Or, “I’m not the business type.” These beliefs will hold you back from taking action and pursuing your entrepreneurial aspirations. By recognizing this limiting belief, you can challenge it and work towards developing the right mindset that empowers you to take the necessary steps to achieve your goal.
Start compiling a list of all your beliefs, values, and behaviors pertaining to your goal. Then ask yourself: How do they contribute to my current circumstances and hinder my results?
The essence of identity shifting lies in moving beyond the goal itself and embracing the corresponding identity.
So your goal is not to make passive income through an online business; it’s to become an entrepreneur.
Your goal is not to create an online course it’s to become a teacher and an incredible presenter who brilliantly articulates wisdom and knowledge.
Your goal is not to restore your marriage; it’s to become a better husband, lover, and companion.
Your goal is not to have more confidence; it’s to become a charismatic leader who inspires others.
Get it?
Now, consider your goal and pull out the corresponding identity.
It’s not enough to have a generic identity like an entrepreneur, a brilliant presenter, a better husband, or a leader. You have to tap into the underlying qualities of this identity that align with your goal. To do this, ask yourself: What type of person has what I want? Or who do I truly need to become in order to achieve what I desire?
Write down all the characteristics and personality traits of such a person. You can do this by asking yourselves questions such as:
You can also reflect on people you know or admire who achieved the success you desire. What traits do they possess that you want to model?
Create a list of all these qualities and traits. Be as specific as possible. Think in terms of attitudes and states of being.
Reviewing your list of traits and qualities, give your desired identity a specific name that encapsulates the success of your goal and the essence of the person you ultimately want to become. This name should be easy to remember, and serve as a powerful reminder of who you aspire to become.
Then draft a powerful “I am” statement that expands on your chosen name — something that resonates with you. To jumpstart this process, here are some questions you can ask yourself:
Get creative with it. There are no rules here; this is your personal mantra. It doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else; it just has to deeply resonate with you.
Here are some examples.
Goal: Create an online course to empower single moms.
Goal: Become more confident and have higher self-esteem.
Goal: Become fit and healthy.
Crafting an identity statement that resonates with you is massive. Whenever you need to overcome challenges, break through resistance, or step out of your comfort zone, this identity statement will serve as your strength. Repeat it as needed to remind yourself of who you are and what you’re capable of achieving.
With a clear understanding of your current identity (Step 2), the qualities and traits that align with your goal (Step 4), and the new identity you want to create (Step 5), it’s time to align your actions and behaviors accordingly.
Consider the identity statement that you drafted in the previous step. Think about the actions and behaviors that someone with your chosen identity would take on a regular basis.
Answer the above questions to jumpstart crafting a detailed list of actions and behaviors that define the person you want to become. Describe each action and behavior in as much detail as possible.
Now, to truly become the person you aspire to be, you must consistently act and behave as if you already are this person. You have to do this by making the qualities, attitudes, actions, and behaviors you defined in the previous steps habitual. This will seem daunting at first, but it’s all about small steps and incremental gains. As James Clear writes in Atomic Habits:
“Every action you take is a vote for the person you wish to become.”
Here are some tips to integrate these qualities, attitudes, actions, and behaviors into your daily life.
Remember your objective is to take one aligned action or behavior every day. Make it your “one thing,” and when you do it, claim victory over the day and repeat the process tomorrow. Master doing that, and after a month, layer on another “one thing.” And another and another—and pretty soon you won’t recognize yourself.
Now that you know the process of shifting your identity, let’s get into some quick actionable tips that can help amplify your results.
I know it sounds like a cliché, but by creating a physical reminder of what you want to achieve and who you want to become, you’ll be more motivated to take action and make changes in your life to achieve those goals. Plus, this will serve as a reminder to your subconscious mind of who you are becoming.
Create highly specific positive affirmations tailored to your desired identity. To supercharge your affirmation practice, try the lofty question technique listed in the resources section at the end of this guide.
Your environment and the people around you have a significant impact on your identity and your ability to achieve your goals. Spend more time with people who inspire and support you, and distance yourself from those who hold you back or discourage you.
Awareness is pivotal to personal transformation. Practicing mindfulness enhances your understanding of your thoughts and behaviors, empowering you to make conscious choices in alignment with your desired life.
Regularly visualize yourself embodying the qualities and actions that resonate with the person you aspire to become. The goal here is to solidify the image of the “new you” in your subconscious mind, making it believe more and more that you are indeed this person. (See the resources section for visualization practices)
Whenever you wake up feeling unmotivated to do something that aligns with your identity, or whenever weakness or resistance shows up, smash that weakness by reminding yourself of who you are by affirming your identity. Repeat in your mind or aloud your empowering identity statement that you crafted in step 5 of this guide, then commit to taking one action today that aligns with it.
Building on the previous point, identity shifting is a process built on baby steps. Every time you take a step towards your desired identity, take a moment to acknowledge the incremental progress and celebrate your path toward creating a better life for yourself. Remember, tiny wins build massive shifts.
Your life is a story, and you are the author.
If you’re not happy with your current story, start writing a new one. Shifting your identity is the key to achieving your heart’s wildest desires and consciously creating a better life for yourself. By defining the person you want to become and aligning your thoughts, behaviors, and actions with that identity, you can create a roadmap for success and achieve and experience anything. Literally.
Choose a major goal you have and determine the type of person you need to become in order to achieve it. Dissect the traits and qualities of such a person, visualize yourself taking aligned action, and then, start living as if that person already exists. Start today, and the future you desire will be here before you know it.
Hope this helps you on your journey.
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